Story stats: quiz answers and active time spent
You can access various stats for stories, including the active time spent on a story and how students have answered quiz questions.
First of all, make sure your students are in your list on your 'Students' page. Once students have either viewed something you made or created their own story, click on 'View stats'.

You can see how long students are active on the story (browsing, viewing videos, answering quizzes, commenting etc.) and how they answer the quiz questions. Quizzes on Sutori are more formative than summative and will only take into account a students' first attempt at answering a quiz.
You can see how long students worked on their assignments, particularly useful for collaborative projects (stories with more than one editor) as you can see who put in the most time. You can also access an overview of the items, useful if you had specific instructions.
Every 10 seconds, our system detects whether the user is active. An activity includes any mouse movement or scrolling, as well as a video or audio being played, up until the moment the user leaves the story.
As this is calculated over a period of time, the stats on the interface may take a while to update, depending on how active the user is.
First of all, make sure your students are in your list on your 'Students' page. Once students have either viewed something you made or created their own story, click on 'View stats'.

1. When teacher shares story with students:
You can see how long students are active on the story (browsing, viewing videos, answering quizzes, commenting etc.) and how they answer the quiz questions. Quizzes on Sutori are more formative than summative and will only take into account a students' first attempt at answering a quiz.
2. When students create their own stories:
You can see how long students worked on their assignments, particularly useful for collaborative projects (stories with more than one editor) as you can see who put in the most time. You can also access an overview of the items, useful if you had specific instructions.
3. How do we calculate active time?
Every 10 seconds, our system detects whether the user is active. An activity includes any mouse movement or scrolling, as well as a video or audio being played, up until the moment the user leaves the story.
As this is calculated over a period of time, the stats on the interface may take a while to update, depending on how active the user is.
4. A video summary
Updated on: 30/10/2024