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How do I record and upload an audio file?

1. First click on the + icon on a story and select audio

Upload audio

2. Options

Record your voice, upload an audio file from your device, copy-paste a link directly from web or link up to your Google Drive to upload an audio.

👉 The maximum size file you can upload to Sutori is 30Mb. This corresponds roughly to a recorded voice audio of 70 minutes.

You can upload an .mp3, .mp4, .weba, .m4a audio file

Why can't I read the audio file?

If you are using an Apple Operating System, such as an iPhone or iPad, you will only be able to read audio files recorded using an iPhone or iPad. This is because of the Apple technology that does not - yet - follow web standards for audio files.

The issue is only with iPhones, iPads and the Safari browser. If you record an audio with any other browser that is not Safari (Edge, Chrome or Firefox) on any other device, all other browsers and devices can read it.

The good news is that Apple is beta testing the WebM standard (as of February 2021) that would allow for recorded audio files on Apple to be played on all browsers and devices. Hopefully, this beta phase won't be too long

Updated on: 17/08/2022